Monday, October 24, 2011


        Why is it that the people who make you feel this small

                                                                            Are usually so right?

         Sure at first they might sound snotty and mean, but when you look deeper you discover that they might have a point? And maybe you needed to hear what they had to say?
Musings for a Monday, eh?

Mondays are for loosers and people that can not see magic happening all around them.

But today seems to be a day for the brave, people woke up after all,. They put on their shoes and shirts and marched right on out the door. I sadly enough seem to be the only draped in this melancholy cloud. It might help that I have a bit of a ever loving cold. My nose is chapped... but oh wells. . . . . . 


Sunday, October 23, 2011

1.1. repeated with Xtras

~A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step~~~or "How in the heck can someone walk down that road when they are drunk?" in this fair college town you would think they consider that factoid before constructing the road... " 

But Alas sometimes we humans are fools

 Moccasins make everything BETTER  

The blurryness of friends out for drinks? 
I need more of this.. alas. 


Hi everybody,
 This is an experiment of sorts.
                                          Who is normal these days?